Those Who Stand And Wait

Gino Luciano
2 min readJan 22, 2020

What do we do while we stand, waiting for the door to open? There aren’t any other exits besides the gaping hole ahead. Each person takes their turn at the entrance. Everyone must walk through. Understandably, some have misgivings about stepping forward into the unknown, but forward we must step. Next to the door is an open expanse where everything that was collected on the way is thrown. You are the only thing that will leave the corridor. Nothing else can take on the second, and final, leg of your journey. Even your shell will crumble away as you walk through the door. It’s okay though, your soul was the only thing that ever mattered. While we may find temporal worth in our reflection in the mirror or the earthly things that line the corridor, in the end, they are just made from earth, air, and water. They may have a pretty shape or hue, but its nothing compared to what the life in you is made from. That is something so innately special that it takes a completely separate set of elements to create. These elements are pulled from the very source of everything good and pure. The living water, the creator of all. Nothing common to us is comparable. The spirit living in us is the reason we also aren’t destined to rot away. Every soul is blessed with eternal life. A small amount of that time will take place in the corridor. After this moment, so much more awaits us. There is no partiality shown to those who reach the door. Both the young and the old have a time to leave the corridor. Sometimes the stay in the passage is very brief indeed. Some scarcely get to open an eyelid before they’re rushed through the open door. Unseen by all, someone is waiting on the other side of the exit. Someone who loves all who come through to meet him. He is looking out for you too.



Gino Luciano

I apologize in advance for the run-on sentences. Maybe one day I’ll be perfect :)